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79.       Mastana. S; J E Bernal; Onyemelukwe G. C; Surinder S Papiha. Haptoglobin Subtypes Among Four Different Populations. Human Heredity. 1994, 44(1): 10 – 3.

  1. 80. G. Habib, J.U. Okpapi, G.C. Onyemelukwe. Is BCG Vaccination Effective?  Studies of Cellular Immunological parameters of BCG Vaccinated and Non-vaccinated Nigerian Tuberculosis patients and  Controls. Nig. J. Med. 1995, 4 (2), 46 – 51.


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  1. Abdulrazaq G. Habib, Usman I. , Gebi Bala G. Sani, Mohammed M.U. Maisaka., T. Oyeniyi., B.O. Musa and G.C. Onyemelukwe. Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Complicating Follicular Lymphoma in an Adult Nigerian:  Immunobiological. Aspects.  Diab. Dig. 1996  (7) 2: 33 – 34.


  1. Onyemelukwe G.C, Bakari A.G. The Role of NAFDAC in the Control of Diabetes Mellitus in Nigeria. Diab. Link and Care 1996, 6: 16 – 19.


  1. Onyemelukwe I.M. and Onyemelukwe G.C. Attitudinal change through counseling towards persons perceived with Acquired  Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in Nwazsuoke and I.A. Kolo (Eds);  Exceptional persons in the community.

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  1. Onyemelukwe G.C. and Bakari A.G. Pattern of diabetes mellitus in the Savannah north of Nigeria. ABUMED. 1998, 6(2): 14 – 18.

88.       Chukwuani C. M. Onyemelukwe G. C. Okonkwo P. O. Coker H. A. D. & Ifudu N. D. The Quinolones in the Management of Typhoid Fever, A Comparative Study of Fleroxacin and Ciprofloxacin in Nigerian Patients. Clin. Drug. Investig. 1998, 16: 280 – 288

89.       Chinyere Mercellina Chukwuani; Onyemelukwe G. C; P O Okonkwo; H A B Coker; N D Ifudu Fleroxacin vs Ciprofloxacin in the Management of Typhoid Fever: A Randomised, Open,   Comparative Study in Nigerian Patients. Clinical Drug Investigation. 1998, 16 (4): 279 – 88.

  1. Bakari A.G., Onyemelukwe G.C., Sani, B.G. Hassan S.S. and  Aliyu T.M. Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Suburban Northern Nigeria ; Results of a Public Screening Survey. Diab. Intern. 1999, 9: 59 – 60.


  1. Bakari A.G. and  Onyemelukwe G.C. The Oedema syndrome in a Nigerian diabetic patient.  Diab. Intern. 1999, 9: 60.


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93.       A. G. Habib, U. I. Gebi, G. C. Onyemelukwe. Snake Bite in Nigeria. Afr. J. Med. Sci. 2001, 30, 171 – 178

  1. G.C. Onyemelukwe, A.G. Bakari. Rarity of Myasthenia Gravis in Northern Nigerians.

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  1. Danbauchi S.S., Alhassan M.S., Oyati A.I., Onyemelukwe G.C. Atrial Septal Aneurysm in a 80 year old Woman. A case report and Review of Literature. Ann. Afr. Med. 2002,  1: 31 – 34.
  2. Bakari A.G., Onyemelukwe G. C. Insulin Secretion in Type-2 diabetes – A Review.

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  1. Bakari A.G., Onyemelukwe G.C. Reliability of a visually read semi-quantitative blood    glucose monitoring strip   among Nigerian Diabetics. Ann. Nig. Med. 2005, 1:19 – 20.


  1. Bakari A.G., Onyemelukwe G.C. Aetioathogenesis of type-2 Diabetes.              Diab. Intern. 2005, 13(1): 7 – 9.


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  1. Bakari A.G. and Onyemelukwe G.C. Indices of obesity among type-2 diabetic Hausa-Fulani  Nigerians. Intern. J.  Diab. Metab. 2005, 13(1): 28 – 29.

104.     Sulei Solomon Danbauchi, Felicia E Anumah, Mohammed Ahmed Alhassan, Samuel O David; Onyemelukwe G. C, Imhogene Albert Oyati. Left ventricular function in type 2 diabetes patients without Cardiac Symptoms in Zaria, Nigeria.                              Ethnicity & Disease 2005, 15(4) :635 – 40.


  1. A.G. Bakari, G.C. Onyemelukwe, B.G. Sani, I.S. Aliyu, S.S. Hassan and T.M. Aliyu.  Relationship between random blood sugar and body mass index in an African    population.  Int. J. Diab. Metab. 2006, 14: 144 – 145.


  1. G.C. Onyemelukwe, A.G. Bakari, G. Ogbadu. Simple sugar and caloric contents of soft drinks in Nigeria. Int. J. Diab. Metab. 2006, 14: 110 – 111


  1. G.C. Onyemelukwe, S.S. Wokoma, A.E. Ohwovoriole and A.G. Bakari. The efficacy and Safety of Rosiglitazone with concurrent Sulphonylurea Therapy in subjects with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Nigeria. Int. J. Diab.  Metab. 2007, 15.


  1. A.G. Bakari, G.C. Onyemelukwe, M.A. Akolawole, S.B. Muazu and A.J. Randawa. Genital     Tuberculosis Presenting as Pyrexia of Undetermined Origin. Letter to the Editor.      Afri. Hlth. Sci. 2007, 7; 1


  1. A.G. Bakari, G.C. Onyemelukwe, B.G. Sani, I.S. Aliyu, S.S. Hassan and T.M. Aliyu. Obesity, Overweight and Underweight in suburban Northern Nigeria.                            Int. J. Diab. Metabol. 2007,  15: 68 – 69


110.     Bakari A. G, Onyemelukwe G. C, Michael A Akolawole, Salihu B Muazu, Abdullahi J    Randawa.  Genital Tuberculosis presenting as Pyrexia of undetermined Origin.            Afri. Hlth. Sci. 2007; 7(1): 37.

111.     Musa B. O. P;  Onyemelukwe G. C and Ahmad A. A.  Reactivity of Antibodies to Hookworm Excretory Secretory Antigens from Hookworm Infected Patients in Northern Nigeria. Intern. J. Infec. Dis. 2008, 12:0; DOI:10.1016/j.ijid.05.1028.


  1. Anyiam. G. A; Onyemelukwe G. C; C. U. Abengowe; P. Singha. Chronological Age and Heart rate Variation In Nigerian Diabetic Patients and Healthy Individuals. Arch.  Nig. Med. Sci. 2008, 5(2): 18 – 24 


  1. Anyiam. G. A, Onyemelukwe G. C, C. U. Abengowe, P. Singha. Screening for Cardiac Parasympathetic Dysfunction in Diabetic Subjects. Arch. Nig. Med. Med. Sci. 2009; 6(1): 21 – 27


  1. G C Onyemelukwe , D Ogoina , A G Bakari. Serum Leptin Levels in Antiretroviral

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115.     Ogoina. D., Onyemelukwe G. C. The role of infections in the emergence of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs): Compelling needs for novel strategies in the developing world.  J. Infec. Pub. Hlth. 2009, 2(1): 14 – 29.


  1. Musa, BOP. Geoffrey C. Onyemelukwe, Joseph O. Hambolu, Aisha I. Mamman, Albarka H. Isa. Pattern of Serum Cytokine Expression and T-Cell Subsets in Sickle Cell Disease Patients in Vaso- Occlusive Crisis.  Clin Vaccine Immunol . 2010, 17 ; 4 602 – 608.


  1. G.C. Onyemelukwe, D. Ogoina: Serum Leptin Levels In HIV-1 Infected Nigerians Receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. Internet J. Endocrinol. 2010; 6: 1. ISSN: 1540 – 2606

118.     Onyemelukwe. G. C; Musa. B;  Joseph O Hambolu; Aisha I Mamman; Albarka H Isa
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  1. Musa, B. O. P; Onyemelukwe, G.C; Hambolu, J. O. Bakari, A.G. Anumah, F.E. Cell-mediated Immunity in  Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in diabetic ketoacidosis, patients with controlled Type 2 diabetes mellitus and healthy control subjects.
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120.     Ekanem I. A; Asuzu .M .C; Anunobi C. C; Malami S. A; Jibrin P. G; Ekanem A. D; Onyemelukwe G. C; Anibueze M. Prevalence of tobacco use among youths in five centres in Nigeria: A global youth tobacco survey (GYTS) approach.                                                 J. Comm. Med. Pri. Hlth. Care. 2010; 22 (1/2)

121.     Ogoina. D, Onyemelukwe G. C , Musa. B, Babadoko. A. Human herpes virus 8 infections and aids Associated Kaposi Sarcoma in Zaria, Northern Nigeria.                                           J. Intern. Assoc. Physic. AIDS Care. (Chicago, Ill. 2002) 2011; 10(1):43-8.

122.     D Ogoina, G Onyemelukwe, and A Babadoko. Seroprevalence and Determinants of Human Herpes virus 8 infection in Adult Nigerians with and without HIV-1 infection. Afri.  Hlth. Sci. 2011, 11(2); 158 – 162


  1. Onyemelukwe G. C, Eseivo K. N, Ogoina D. Serum Sialic acid Levels in Vibrio Cholera Serotype Hikojima Infected Nigerian patients. Trop.Gastroenterol. 2011, 32(1); 41 – 4


  1. Ogoina D; Onyemelukwe G. C; Musa Bolanle O. P; Babadako .A. Human Herpes Virus 8 infection and Clinical Characteristics of APS associated Kaposi’s sarcoma in Zaria Northern Nigeria. Intern. AIDS Care (JIAPAC) 2011 10:43.DOI:10.1177/1545109710387300

125.     Onyemelukwe G C. RAST-Specific IgE to egg and milk in Nigerian asthmatic patients. Afr.  J . Med. Med Sci. 2011, 40(1): 51 – 7


  1. Ogoina, D. Geoffrey C. Onyemelukwe, Bolanle O. P. Musa, Aliyu Babadoko. Human Herpesvirus 8 Infections and AIDS-Associated Kaposi Sarcoma in Zaria, Northern Nigeria. J. Intern. Assoc. Physic. AIDS Care (JIAPAC) 2011, 10: (1) 43-48.


  1. OnyemelukweGC, Ogoina D, Ibiam G E, GH Ogbadu. Aflatoxins in body fluids and food of Nigerian

               children with protein- energy malnutritionAfri. J. of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and

               development,  12: (5 )2012 , ISSN 1684 5374


  1. Bolanle O. P. Musa; Geoffrey C. Onyemelukwe; Olubunmi A. Olatunji;  Kingsley O.  Odogwu;  Joseph O. Hambolu; Terfa S. Kene.  Serum cytokine levels and T lymphocyte subsets in pregnant women with eclampsia. Open J. Immunol. 2012, 2, (3) 116-124

129.     Gbadegeshin, Y. H; Adedejj A. A; Adedeji S. O; Coker E. B. A; Onyemelukwe G. C; Chief Chris Elemuwa; Aniefiok Moses; Akpan H. E. N. Chloramphenicol Resistance of Neisseria Meningitidis Serogroup W135 during outbreaks of Cerebrospinal Meningitis in North West Nigeria.  Bulletin of the Federal Ministry of Health of Nigeria. 2012

130.     Ahmad Yousif M. Ali; Safwat. T; Onyemelukwe G. C; Otaibi Moh’d. A; Amir A. A; Nawas Y. N; Aouina H; Afif M. H; Bolliger C. T. Smoking Prevention and Cessation in the Africa and Middle Esat Region: A Consensus Draft Guideline for Healthcare Providers- Executive Summary. Smoking Cessation and Prevention Guideline for Africa and the M. E. Respiration 2012; 83:423-432;DOI:10.1159/000337726

  1. Ogoina D; Onyemelukwe G. C; Musa B. O; Obiako R. O. Seroprevalence of IgM and IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma infection in healthy and HIV positive adults from Northern Nigeria. J. Infect. Dev. Ctries. 2013, 13; 7(5): 398 – 403; DOI: 10.3855


  1. Taiwo E. O., Akindele R.A, Adefuye B.O., Sofola O.A., Fasanmade A. A, Oyebola D.D.O., Onyemelukwe G.C, and Osonuga I. O.(2017),Total Cholesterol and HDL ratio in normoglycemic offspring of patients with T2DM on graded exercise, World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research,3(10),pp 30-35.
  2. Taiwo E. O., Akindele R.A, Adefuye B.O., Sofola O.A., Fasanmade A. A, Oyebola D.D.O., Onyemelukwe G.C, and Osonuga I. O.,(2018), Anthropometric measurements in normoglycemic offspring of   patients with T2DM on graded exercise,World Journal of Pharmaceutical

            and Medical Research, 4 (3),pp 23-27.


  1. Taiwo E. O., Akindele R.A, Adefuye B.O., Sofola O.A., Fasanmade A. A, Oyebola D.D.O., Onyemelukwe G.C, and Osonuga I. O,(2017), Insulin sensitivity in normoglycemic offspring of patients with       T2DM on graded exercise,Indian Journal Basic and Applied Medical Research, 7(1),pp 207-       215.
  2. A.O. Ibegbu, S. P. Singh, J.O. Hambolu, G.C. Onyemelukwe and S. A. Ojo (2001). The effect of alloxan on the Pancreatic Morphology of albino Rats. Tropical Journal of        Biosciences. 1 (1). 77-83.
  3. A.O. Ibegbu, S. P. Singh, J.O. Hambolu, G.C. Onyemelukwe and S.A. Ojo (2002). Morphological and Morphometric Changes in the Small Intestine in Drug-Induced diabetic         rats. Bioscience Research Communications. Vol.14 (1). 33-40.
  4. A.O. Ibegbu, S. P. Singh, J.O. Hambolu, G.C. Onyemelukwe and S.A. Ojo (2002). The     Effect of alloxan on the Histochemistry of Pancreatic enzymes of Albino rats. (I). The Effect     on acid phosphatase activity. Bioscience Research Communications. 14(2), 181-186.
  5. A.O. Ibegbu, S. P. Singh, J.O. Hambolu, G.C. Onyemelukwe and S.A. Ojo (2002).The Effect of Alloxan on the Histochemistry of pancreatic enzymes of Albino rats. (II).The Effect on            glucose-6-phosphatase and glucose-6 dehydrogenase activity. Bioscience Research             Communications.14 (2):187- 192.
  6. A.O. Ibegbu, S.P. Singh, J.O. Hambolu, G.C. Onyemelukwe and S.A.Ojo (2002).The Immunohistological Changes Induced by Alloxan on the Pancreas of Albino rats.  Journal of           Experimental and Clinical Anatomy; 1 (1): 40-44.
  7. A.O. Ibegbu, S.P. Singh; J.O. Hambolu, G.C. Onyemelukwe and S.A. Ojo (2002).Changes in the Morphology of the Liver in Drug-Induced Diabetic Rats. Abstract in Nigerian Journal of          Physiological Sciences 17 (1 and 2) 81.


  1. Abdullahi Walla Hamisu, G.C. Onyemelukwe, Eboh E. I, Sharaye K. O, Sume Etapelong        Gerald, Isiaka Ayodeji Hassan, Braka Fiona, Richard Banda, Ajiboye           Oyetunji, Alemu W,      Faisal Shuaib (2017) The Imperative of Scaling up Access to Physiotherapy Services for Cases of Acute Flaccid Paralysis in Nigeria. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical      Inventions 4(11): 3322-3327, 2017


  1. Abdullahi Walla Hamisu, G.C. Onyemelukwe, Sume Etapelong Gerald, Isiaka Ayodeji Hassan, Braka Fiona, Richard Banda, Ajiboye Oyetunji, Alemu W, Faisal Shuaib (2018)   Contribution of Community Informants to Sensitivity of Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance            in Nigeria (2011-2017). International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research Vol. 2,           No. 01; 2018


  1. Abdullahi Walla Hamisu, G.C. Onyemelukwe, Sume Etapelong Gerald, Isiaka Ayodeji Hassan Braka Fiona, Richard Banda, Ajiboye Oyetunji, Alemu W & Faisal Shuaib (2017)   Gender Dimensions of Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance in Nigeria. International Journal             of Gender and Womens Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 80-87


  1. Onyemelukwe, G.C., Ogunfowokan, O., Mbakwem, A., Alao, A.K., Soroh, K., Omorodion, O., Abreu, P. Cardiovascular risk factors in adult general out-patient clinics in Nigeria: A   country analysis of the Africa and Middle East Cardiovascular Epidemiological (ACE) study

            (2017) African Health Sciences, 17 (4), pp. 1070-1081.


  1. Yusuf, A.J., Onyemelukwe, G., Amedu, M.A., Olarinoye-Akorede, S. Cerebral atrophy and dementia in type 2 diabetes mellitus: report of two cases and review of literature. (2014) The Nigerian postgraduate medical journal, 21 (1), pp. 81-85.



  1. Ogoina, D., Obiako, R.O., Onyemelukwe, G.C., Musa, B.O., Hamidu, A.U. Clinical presentation and outcome of toxoplasma encephalitis in HIV-infected patients from Zaria,

            Northern Nigeria: A Case Series of 9 Patients (2014) Journal of the International Association     of Providers of AIDS Care, 13 (1), pp. 18-21.

  1. Ali, A.Y.M., Safwat, T., Onyemelukwe, G., Otaibi, M.A.A., Amir, A.A., Nawas, Y.N., Aouina, H., Afif, M.H., Bolliger, C.T. Smoking prevention and cessation in the Africa and Middle East Region: A consensus draft guideline for healthcare providers –Executive summary (2012) Respiration, 83 (5), pp. 423-432.


  1. Banda, J.M.,  Onyemelukwe, G.C., Musa, B.O.P., Shittu, S.M. and  Bakari A.G. (2017). Maternal Serum Cytokines and Pregnancy Specific beta-1 Glycoprotein in Normal        Pregnancies and those complicated by eclampsia in Kaduna state. Chemical         Sciences,8:7(Suppl) DOI:104172/2150-3494-C1-011


  1.     Banda, J.M., Musa, B.O.P., Onyemelukwe, G.C., Shittu, S.O., Babadoko, A.A., Bakari, A.G., Mamman, A.I., Sarkin-Pawa, A. and Junaid, S.A. (2016). T lymphocyte Subpopulations in       Normal Pregnancies and Those Complicated by Eclampsia in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Open Journal of Immunology,


  1. Banda, J.M.,  Onyemelukwe, G.C., Musa, B.O.P., Shittu, S.M. and  Bakari A.G. (2017).            Maternal Serum Cytokines and Pregnancy Specific beta-1 Glycoprotein in Normal        Pregnancies and those complicated by eclampsia in Kaduna state. Chemical         Sciences,8:7(Suppl) DOI:104172/2150-3494-C1-011


  1. Banda, J.M., Musa, B.O.P., Onyemelukwe, G.C., Shittu, S.O., Babadoko, A.A., Bakari, A.G.,   Mamman, A.I., Sarkin-Pawa, A. and Junaid, S.A. (2016). T lymphocyte Subpopulations in       Normal Pregnancies and Those Complicated by Eclampsia in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Open Journal of Immunology,


  1. Jim M. Banda, Geoffrey C. Onyemelukwe, Bolanle, O. P. Musa, Oladapo, S. Shittu, Zulai, A.          Sarkin-pawa, Aliyu, A. Babadoko, Aisha I. Mamman, Adamu, G. Bakari, Suraj Junaid (2015).   Pregnancy Specific Beta-1 Glycoprotein in Women with Eclampsia. Open Journal of             Immunology, pp260-265.